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Haller Brun www.hallerbrun.eu

Momentum of Light

By 29-06-2022

Winner Gold – European Design Awards 2022 
Category Artistic Catalogue

Momentum of Light, presents a series of images captured by Dutch photographer Iwan Baan during his travels with Burkinabè architect Francis Kéré through Burkina Faso in March 2020. During this trip they visited the Grand Mosque of Bobo-Dioulasso, the intricately painted houses of Tiébélé and the communal compounds in Pouni and Gandó.

Baan’s photographs capture the stark qualities of light in sub-Saharan Africa and how it passes through traditional Burkinabe building typologies, shaping daily routines and ways of life. The images collectively articulate a sensitive study of light, space, place and use whilst emphasising the complex and reciprocal relationships between people, architecture and environmental conditions.

The result is a thoughtful homage to a practice of building and an understanding of natural conditions that is being lost. The book design by Haller Brun picks up on this theme and emphasises the subtleties of light atmospheres where the patina of objects and surfaces in near dark spaces can be showcased. It implements it in the structure and materiality as well as in the choice of print. Images of the exterior and daylight conditions are printed on white glossy pages that reflect the light. In contrast, the dark interiors and night-time images are printed with a special printing process involving silver, white and CMY ink on black paper. Rough to the touch, the matt black paper ‘soaks up’ the light. Due to the chosen materials and printing technics the fascinating interaction of light, shadow and architecture is transferred into the book.

Initiator: Zumtobel Group AG
Artwork: Iwan Baan, Francis Kéré
Graphic Design: Haller Brun
Publisher: Lars Müller Publishers

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